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US Shoots Down Suspected Chinese Spy Balloon Over Atlantic
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US Shoots Down Suspected Chinese Spy Balloon Over Atlantic

The US military has shot down a Chinese spy balloon that had been drifting over the country for several days and eventually headed out over the Atlantic Ocean. According to Secretary of Defense Lloyd J.

President Biden directed US fighter aircraft to take down the high altitude surveillance balloon launched by China over the water off the coast of South Carolina in US airspace.

US Military Tracks Mysterious Balloon for a Week

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III stated that the US military had been tracking the balloon all week and that Biden was first briefed about it on Tuesday. While the balloon had been seen over Montana, the Pentagon was advised against shooting it down over concerns about the danger from falling debris. However, Austin said that President Biden had authorized its removal as soon as the mission could be accomplished safely.

The US believes that the downed spy balloon was used for surveillance, while China claims it was for meteorological research. US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, cancelled his trip to Beijing amid escalating tensions between the two countries. In October, the Biden administration imposed limits on exporting semiconductor technology to China to slow the progress of Chinese military programs, and some lawmakers are advocating for a ban on TikTok due to concerns about Chinese spying and propaganda.

Successful AIM-9X Missile Shot at Chinese Spy Balloon

The US military successfully shot down the Chinese spy balloon on Saturday using an AIM-9X Sidewinder missile fired from an F-22 Raptor fighter, according to a news item by the Department of Defense.

Someone hit the balloon while it was flying at an altitude of 60,000 to 65,000 feet, causing it to fall into 50 feet of water about six miles offshore. Fortunately, no one was injured. The US Navy and Coast Guard have started searching for debris, but there is no word yet on how long it will take for recovery efforts.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer tweeted about the possibility of analyzing the balloon’s equipment and technology. Meanwhile, various videos claiming to show the balloon being shot down were shared by social media users.

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