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Opera Unveils AI-Powered “Shorten” Feature with Built-In ChatGPT
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Opera Unveils AI-Powered “Shorten” Feature with Built-In ChatGPT

  • "Opera, a popular web browser, is incorporating a new AI-powered tool called "shorten" into its sidebar. This feature will generate brief summaries of web pages and articles with the help of ChatGPT. Users can activate the "shorten" button located next to the address bar, which will then pop out a sidebar with the bulleted summary. Although not yet available to everyone, Opera plans to launch the "shorten" feature soon and is also working on other AI-powered features to enhance the browsing experience."

Opera, the web browser company, is taking a step forward in the world of artificial intelligence (AI) by incorporating ChatGPT into its browser. This new AI-powered tool, called “Shorten,” will generate brief and concise summaries of articles and web pages that users are looking at. By selecting the “Shorten” button located on the right side of the address bar, a ChatGPT-powered sidebar will appear on the left and generate a neat, bulleted summary of the content being viewed.

Opera’s integration of AI technology follows in the footsteps of Microsoft, which recently revealed its AI-powered search engine Bing and browser Edge. Bing will offer access to an AI chatbot that provides annotated answers to queries, while Edge will come with an AI “copilot” that can summarize webpages or articles and generate text for social media posts. Google has also demonstrated its AI search bot Bard, though it is not yet available for demo.

According to Per Wetterdal, Opera’s head of strategic partnerships and AI ecosystem, the company is thrilled to see the rapid development of AI technology in web browsing. “We are starting to build and roll out new experiences in web browsing that not very long ago seemed impossible to achieve,” he stated.

While the “Shorten” feature is not yet available to the public, it is expected to launch in browsers soon. Opera is also working on other AI-powered features that will enhance the browsing experience and plans to add popular AI-generated content services to the sidebar, though it is not yet clear what these services will entail.

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