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13 Hidden Google Search Features You Need to Try
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13 Hidden Google Search Features You Need to Try

Google search has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. From finding the best restaurants in town to learning new recipes, Google search has got our backs. But did you know that Google search is loaded with all sorts of hidden features that most people don’t even know about?

Setting a timer, translating foreign languages, converting between different units of measurement and currencies; the list of things Google search allows you to do is pretty long. But there are many other lesser-known features that are waiting to be discovered.

To uncover some of these hidden gems, we decided to scour the internet and put Google search to the test. And what we found was truly amazing. Did you know that you can use Google search to play a game of “I’m feeling lucky” where it takes you to a random website? Or that you can search for specific types of files like PDFs or Word documents? You can even use Google search to track your packages or flights.

But wait, there’s more! We saved the best for last. One of the coolest hidden features of Google search is the “Google Gravity” trick. Simply type “Google Gravity” in the search bar and click “I’m feeling lucky” and watch as the Google logo and all the search options fall to the bottom of the page, only to be lifted up when you move your cursor over them.

So, next time you’re using Google search, don’t just stick to the basics. Explore and discover the many hidden features that Google search has to offer. You never know what cool trick you might uncover!

1. Stopwatch and Timer

Did you know that Google search has a hidden timer feature? That’s right! All you have to do is type “timer” into the search bar and a timer will appear, ready to be used. It’s a simple yet useful feature that can come in handy in a variety of situations.

But that’s not all. If you need to count up instead of down, Google search also has a stopwatch tab. Just type “stopwatch” into the search bar, and the stopwatch will appear, allowing you to time things as needed.

It’s surprising how many hidden features Google search has, and the timer and stopwatch are just a few of them. So next time you need a quick timer or stopwatch, remember that you don’t need to download an app or use a physical device. Just use the timer or stopwatch feature in Google search and you’ll be good to go!

2. Shipment Tracking

Have you ever ordered something online and found it difficult to track your shipment? Well, Google search has a cool feature that allows you to easily track your packages. There are a couple of different ways to trigger this feature.

One way is to type in the name of the carrier, followed by the word “tracking” (e.g. “FedEx tracking”) in the Google search bar. This will bring up a page asking for your tracking number. If you enter your tracking number, Google will display the status of your package.

Alternatively, you can simply enter your tracking number directly into the Google search bar. If the package is being shipped by a major logistics company, Google will automatically pull up the tracking data from the company’s website.

This feature is not limited to just FedEx, it also works for other major carriers like UPS, DHL, and USPS.

Next time you’re waiting for a package to arrive, don’t struggle with different tracking websites or apps. Just use Google search’s shipment tracking feature and easily track your package’s status.

3. Unit Conversions

Did you know that Google search can be used to easily convert between different units of measurement? It’s true! Google search can be used for a wide range of unit conversions, from distance to weight to volume.

Simply type “5 miles to kilometers” into the Google search bar, and Google will display the answer in no time, allowing you to easily know how many kilometers a five-mile long journey will take. Similarly, if you need to convert grams to ounces or cups to liters in the kitchen, just type the conversion into the search bar, and Google will do the rest.

These examples do not limit the scope of this feature. Google search can convert between many different units of measurement, including temperature, time, speed, and more.

So next time you need to convert units of measurement, don’t reach for a calculator or conversion chart. Just use Google search’s unit conversion tool and get the answer you need in seconds.

4. Translation

Did you know that you don’t need to go to Google Translate or pull up the Google Translate app on your phone to get Google to translate for you? Google search has a built-in translation feature that allows you to instantly translate foreign words or phrases.

Simply type in the foreign word or phrase into the Google search bar, and Google will automatically translate it for you through Google Translate. It’s a quick and easy way to get translations without having to switch between different apps or websites.

Google’s translation feature can come in handy in a variety of situations, whether you’re traveling to a foreign country, studying a new language, or just trying to communicate with someone who speaks a different language.

So next time you need a translation, remember that you don’t need to download a separate app or use a translation website. Just use the translation feature in Google search and you’ll be able to get the translation you need in no time.

5. Searching with Google Lens

Google Lens is a powerful AI-powered tool from Google that provides contextual information based on what your camera sees. While it’s a separate tool from Google search, it does have some useful integrations with Google Chrome that allow you to search using Google Lens.

If you have the stable build of Google Chrome, you can easily search an image with Google Lens by right-clicking on the image. This simple process provides more information about the image, including related articles, videos, and more.

For those who use Google Canary, the more experimental build of Chrome, there’s an even more advanced feature called Lens Region Search. This feature allows you to search an entire page with Google Lens. Simply right-click on the page, click “Search page with Google Lens,” and let Lens do the rest.

With Google Lens, searching for information has never been easier. Whether you’re looking for information about an image or searching an entire page, Google Lens has got you covered.

6. Delete the last 15 minutes of search history (Smartphone only)

Deleting your search history is essential for maintaining your privacy. While it’s easy to delete your browsing history, deleting your search history can be a bit tricky. However, Google search’s smartphone app has a useful feature that makes it easier to do just that.

Simply go into the app and tap your profile picture. From there, you can delete the last 15 minutes of your search history with ease. This feature is a convenient way to keep your search history clean and maintain your privacy.

7. Instant Search Bar Shortcut

If you’re a frequent Google searcher, you might find this little shortcut nifty. Instead of scrolling back up to the search bar, you can save yourself a few seconds by simply hitting the “/” key. This will instantly bring up the search bar so you can start typing your next search query.

It may seem like a small trick, but those seconds saved can add up, especially if you’re a heavy user of Google search. Give it a try and see if it works for you.

8. Site Search

Google search is a powerful tool, and there are many features you may not be aware of that can make your searching experience more efficient. One such feature is using the “site:” command to search within a specific website. By typing “site:” followed by a website URL and your search query, you can get results that are specific to that website.

This is especially useful when you’re looking for information on a particular site and don’t want to sift through results from other sites. Give it a try next time you’re searching for something specific!

9. In-Browser Calculator

Google search offers a handy calculator feature that you may not be aware of. It is perfect if you need to perform some quick calculations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

All you have to do is type your math problem into the search bar, and Google will display the answer along with a fully functional calculator that you can use to solve more complex problems. It is a great tool to have on hand for those who need to perform calculations on the fly.

10. Tip Calculator

Google search offers a convenient tip calculator feature that can help you quickly calculate how much you should tip on a bill. To use this feature, simply type “tip calculator” into the search bar, and Google will provide you with a calculator that allows you to enter the total bill amount, the percentage tip you want to leave, and the number of people splitting the bill.

The calculator will then provide you with the total tip amount and the amount each person should pay, making it easy to divide the bill evenly among your group. This feature is a handy tool to have when you want to quickly figure out the appropriate tip amount without having to do any math in your head.

11. Metronome 

Google search offers a variety of in-browser tools, including a metronome, color picker, spinner, roll die, and flip coin. The best part is that these tools are all accessible through Google search. If you’re using one of these tools and need to switch to another, you can do so quickly and easily.

One of the more complicated tools is the tuner. While it’s accessible through the other tools, you need to search specifically for “Google tuner.” Searching for just “tuner” won’t work.

Additionally, there’s a bubble level that’s only available through the Google search app on your mobile phone. This is because it needs your phone’s sensors to work correctly.

12. Learn New Trivia

If you’re ever in need of a quick and entertaining distraction, Google’s “fun fact” feature might just do the trick. By simply typing in the phrase “fun fact” into the search bar, the search engine will provide you with a completely random and often surprising factoid.

Whether you’re looking to impress your friends with some trivia knowledge or just need a quick break from work, this feature is a surprisingly handy tool. Plus, you never know what kind of interesting information you might learn – from the history of ancient civilizations to the quirks of modern technology.

In a world where we’re constantly bombarded by information, it’s refreshing to have a simple and entertaining way to expand our knowledge and have a little fun at the same time. So the next time you find yourself in need of a quick mental break, give the “fun fact” feature a try and see what interesting tidbits you can discover!

13. Play Pac-Man in Google Search

Did you know that you can play Pac-Man for free just by typing the game’s name into a Google search? That’s right – the classic arcade game is available right at your fingertips, no quarters required.

This fun and simple feature is a great way to take a quick break from work or studies and enjoy a bit of nostalgia. Simply navigate your Pac-Man character through the maze, gobbling up pellets and avoiding those pesky ghosts.

In a world where we’re constantly connected to our devices and inundated with information, it’s important to take a moment to unwind and have a bit of fun. And what better way to do so than by playing a classic game like Pac-Man?

So next time you’re in need of a break, give this Google search feature a try and indulge in some good old-fashioned arcade fun. Who knows, you might just find yourself lost in the maze for hours on end.

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