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Dead Island 2 Launches a Week Sooner After Long Delay
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Dead Island 2 Launches a Week Sooner After Long Delay

  • "Dead Island 2, a zombie-fighting game will now be released a week earlier on April 21st as it has gone gold. It will be the first game to take advantage of Amazon's new Alexa Game Control, allowing players to control the game with their voice. Dead Island 2 will be available on Xbox Series X / S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC via the Epic Games Store."
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Dambuster Studios, the developer, and Dead Island, the publisher, have finally emerged from development hell with Dead Island 2, the zombie-slaying game that was first announced in 2014. The game is set for release on April 21st, after years of anticipation. Originally, the game was scheduled to be released on February 3rd, but was delayed to April 28th. The game has gone gold, meaning that it is now ready for distribution.

Dead Island 2 is the sequel to the popular 2011 game, Dead Island. Players must navigate a world overrun by zombies as they complete missions and fight for survival in California. The release date for Dead Island 2 has been a rollercoaster ride for fans. However, with its improved gameplay, graphics, and storyline, Dead Island 2 promises to deliver an epic zombie-slaying adventure.

In conclusion, fans of the franchise can finally rejoice as Dead Island 2 is on its way. The game’s integration with Amazon’s Alexa Game Control makes it even more immersive, while the improved graphics, gameplay, and storyline promise to make it a hit among gamers and zombie enthusiasts alike. Mark your calendars for April 21st and get ready to fight your way through hordes of the undead.

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